
What’s a Sustainability Practice You’ve Incorporated Into Your Business?

What’s a Sustainability Practice You’ve Incorporated Into Your Business?

In the quest for a greener future, we've gathered insights from twelve sustainability professionals, including Founders and Directors, on the eco-friendly practices they've integrated into their businesses. From introducing sustainable stickers to implementing a virtual document policy, these leaders share how their initiatives have resonated with their clientele.

  • Introduced Sustainable Stickers
  • Shifted to Biodegradable Pins
  • Innovative Rainwater Harvesting
  • Zero-Waste Office Policy
  • Launched Car-Sharing Program
  • Comprehensive Recycling Program
  • Carbon Emission Offsetting
  • Non-Toxic Dry-Cleaning Agents
  • Digital-Only Staging Services
  • Upcycled Fabric Products
  • Transitioned to Digital Transcription
  • Implemented Virtual Document Policy

Introduced Sustainable Stickers

During a time when sustainability was not yet widely prioritized— our sticker printing company took the initiative to introduce sustainable stickers to our product lineup. We complemented this offering by using biodegradable inks, ensuring environmental friendliness from start to finish.

I think this conscious effort to embrace eco-friendly practices not only resonated with our values but also captured the attention of our customers—who were increasingly becoming aware of their environmental impact. The sustainable stickers quickly gained popularity, eventually becoming our best-selling product. As a result of aligning our business practices with the growing demand for sustainability, we reinforced our commitment to the planet and built stronger relationships with our environmentally conscious clientele.

David Rubie-Todd
David Rubie-ToddCo-Founder & Marketing Head, Sticker It

Shifted to Biodegradable Pins

At PinProsPlus, we've made a significant shift towards sustainability by introducing biodegradable materials in our pin production. This decision reflects our commitment to the environment and has been warmly welcomed by our customers, many of whom are passionate about eco-conscious products. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with a noticeable boost in customer loyalty and interest in our new product lines. Seeing our community's enthusiasm for these changes motivates us to continue our eco-friendly innovations. Embracing sustainability has not only been good for the planet but has also strengthened our customer relationships, proving that responsible practices can drive positive business outcomes.

Bradley Fry
Bradley FryOwner, PinProsPlus

Innovative Rainwater Harvesting

We brought some cutting-edge sustainability to our home improvement business involving installation of home ponds – we capture rainwater using rainwater harvesting systems as part of installing the pond, to reuse the rain and fill the pond, and also irrigate the landscape around. This drastically reduces the use of water that must be brought in, to a minimum for the entire operation, including the ponds and the gardens.

To the clients, we have found that the response has been real and genuine. They are happy with the dual benefit of beautifying their garden, but also contributing to water conservation. In areas where there is generally a lot of discussion about droughts and the scarcity of water, this feature is especially loved. Clients feel a sense of benevolent stewardship, that they are doing the ‘right thing’ for the planet and for our local communities. We not only benefitted from the positive impact of this towards our goals of have also found it to be both a point of differentiation and a unique selling proposition when the service was pitched to prospective clients. Who doesn’t love a nice-looking, low-maintenance flower bed with a benefit like water conservation? The addition of this feature makes for good PR, spreading a positive buzz about the brand.

Gavin Bent
Gavin BentMarketing Executive, Ponds By Michael Wheat

Zero-Waste Office Policy

One of the most significant adjustments we made recently was to implement a zero-waste office policy. We eliminated single-use goods, implemented composting, and encouraged staff to bring reusable containers for food and drinks. Additionally, we collaborated with local organizations to recycle materials that are difficult to dispose of, such as electronics and batteries.

Our clients have not directly interacted with this change, but we have been open about it in our communications, and the response has been positive. They appreciate that we are taking sustainability seriously, especially in areas that are not as visible. As a result, our brand is now more credible and in line with our clients' beliefs. Since introducing this policy, we've seen more engagement on our sustainability-related postings, and consumers frequently mention our efforts when leaving reviews. As a result, people have more faith in us because they see that we are serious about sustainability.

Timothy Allen
Timothy AllenDirector, Oberheiden P.C.

Launched Car-Sharing Program

I work with a car rental company, and here we try to do our best to keep things green. One of the key sustainability practices we've adopted recently is implementing a car-sharing program for our fleet. We've set up a system where customers can rent vehicles for short periods, which helps reduce the number of cars needed overall.

Customers can access vehicles on an as-needed basis, which means they only use a car when it's necessary and for as long as needed. Our customers have responded very positively to this new offering, as many appreciate the flexibility that comes with this rental option and how it helps the environment and cuts costs. In fact, it has not only benefited the environment but also strengthened our relationship with our customers by meeting their needs in a more eco-friendly way.

James McNally
James McNallyManaging Director, SDVH [Self Drive Vehicle Hire]

Comprehensive Recycling Program

One impactful sustainability practice I've incorporated into my business is the implementation of a comprehensive recycling program for our office waste. Partnering with a local recycling company allowed us to set up dedicated bins for paper, plastics, and electronics throughout our workspace. This initiative not only reduced our landfill contributions but also fostered a culture of sustainability within our team.

The reception from our customers has been overwhelmingly positive; many clients appreciate our commitment to environmental responsibility and have expressed interest in collaborating on similar initiatives. We've even received feedback from clients who have chosen to work with us specifically because of our sustainable practices. This has not only enhanced our brand image but has also attracted environmentally conscious clients who align with our values. It's heartening to see that our efforts are making a difference and inspiring others in our industry to adopt sustainable practices as well.

Azam Mohamed Nisamdeen
Azam Mohamed NisamdeenFounder, Convert Chat

Carbon Emission Offsetting

One of our sustainability practices involves offsetting carbon emissions for every installation in our small eco-friendly HVAC business. We calculate how many tons of carbon the system will emit by the end of its lifetime, then invest in a project – like tree planting or a renewable energy project – that reduces carbon emissions by an equal amount. As a result, every HVAC system we install becomes a personal offset: we support sustainability missions and help our customers become sustainability partners, too.

We have received unbelievable feedback from all our customers, many happy to hear that through their choice they contribute to offsetting carbon emissions as well as more widespread environmental goals. Moreover, the program has contributed to customer loyalty and attracted new clients looking for sustainable solutions. So, an innovative approach to sustainability can really create shared value for business and its customers, and make every transaction a chance for greater environmental sensibility. This approach has differentiated us in the HVAC market and attracted clients looking for an environmentally focused decision.

Kyle Kozlowski
Kyle KozlowskiCo-Founder, Eco Temp HVAC

Non-Toxic Dry-Cleaning Agents

As the owner of an eco-friendly dry-cleaning business, sustainability is at the core of what we do. One practice that has resonated most with our customers is using only non-toxic, biodegradable cleaning agents. By eliminating harsh chemicals, we're able to thoroughly clean garments without harming them or the environment.

Customers consistently praise this approach, with many telling us they chose us specifically because of our commitment to sustainability. While greener products do cost more, paying extra for environmental responsibility is a decision I firmly stand behind.

We've also implemented water conservation methods, like using modern equipment optimized for minimal water usage and reclaiming wastewater for secondary purposes. Last year we reduced our water usage by over 60,000 gallons. Saving resources helps lower costs and allows us to provide affordable services to customers.

Our mission is to provide effective yet sustainable fabric care. Every choice we make, from cleaning agents to day-to-day operations, revolves around decreasing our environmental impact while delivering superior results. Focusing on sustainability builds customer loyalty by bringing together a community dedicated to responsible practices.

Salvador Villarreal
Salvador VillarrealCEO, VIP Cleaners and Laundry

Digital-Only Staging Services

We've adopted a sustainability practice that's both practical and eco-friendly: we focus exclusively on digital staging rather than physical setups. This shift means we avoid the waste associated with transporting and setting up real furniture, and it significantly reduces our environmental impact. Our clients have embraced this change enthusiastically.

They not only appreciate the reduced environmental footprint but also enjoy the cost savings and efficiency that come with virtual staging. It's become a key point of pride for us, and many clients have even chosen us specifically because of our commitment to sustainable practices.

JD Lloyd
JD LloydBusiness Development Manager and Project Manager, Bella Virtual Staging

Upcycled Fabric Products

In my boutique business selling fabric products, we practice working with upcycled fabrics. It means using leftover fabrics from production or fabrics that would have otherwise been discarded and turning them into new uses in new products. It is a literal twist and an interesting play on a word. The concept of upcycling is definitely eco-friendly, but I also feel that by giving a second life to these fabric pieces that would otherwise have been discarded, they find a home and another story to tell. Customers have expressed that they like this idea, as it is environmentally friendly and there is an interest in knowing they are helping to reduce textile waste in the fashion industry by purchasing from us.

For me, the most rewarding part has been not just the change itself, but the relationships it's generated with our customers. People often contact us to share stories of their own paths to sustainability, and just as often, to tell us about our product and the meaningful role it plays in their daily lives. You start to create a community out of people who share these values, and it's heartening – as is the fact that customers are often genuinely excited about the opportunity to make choices that contribute, in even a small way, to the health of our planet. So in the end, this particular practice has helped us to cultivate a green ethos, but it's also been really great for heightening our brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. You can have all the right intentions, but if they're not well-received, then not much else really matters.

Jay Soni
Jay SoniFounder and CEO, Yorkshire Fabric Shop

Transitioned to Digital Transcription

One sustainability practice we've implemented is transitioning to fully digital transcription services, which significantly reduces paper use. By going paperless, we've minimized our environmental footprint while improving efficiency. Customers have responded positively, especially those in industries like legal and academic research, where sustainability is becoming a key consideration. They appreciate not only the eco-friendly aspect but also the increased speed and convenience that comes with digital solutions, making it a win-win for both our business and our clients.

Ben Walker
Ben WalkerFounder and CEO, Ditto Transcripts

Implemented Virtual Document Policy

I'll never forget the day a client dropped seven boxes of paper bank statements and receipts on my front porch. I was working on a project to clean up a year's worth of bookkeeping, and the paperwork from those boxes ended up spread across my office. I remember looking at all that paper and being hyper-aware of the waste. This was 2019; online document storage was readily available, and all this paper was going to end up in the trash.

This was the last client from whom I accepted paper documents. I own an accounting firm, and we now only accept documents from our clients virtually. We use cloud-based platforms to reduce unnecessary paper waste and encourage receipt-tracking apps to discourage printing receipts from online purchases. Clients have accepted this change with open arms!

Ashley FordOwner, Bookkeeper, Pretty Penny

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