
What Habits Help You Stay Focused On Your Goals?

What Habits Help You Stay Focused On Your Goals?

To help you stay focused on your goals, we asked founders and CEOs this question for their best habits. From writing down daily tasks to using visual goal-setting techniques, here are the top nine habits these leaders practice to maintain their focus and achieve their goals.

  • Write Down Daily Tasks
  • Set Small Daily Goals
  • Practice Daily Journaling
  • Start With Prioritized To-Do List
  • Implement Time-Blocking Method
  • Avoid Multitasking for Better Focus
  • Take Regular Breaks for Well-Being
  • Practice Daily Mindfulness Meditation
  • Use Visual Goal-Setting Techniques

Write Down Daily Tasks

I try to write down three things I did at the end of the night and three things I need to get to tomorrow. There's so many things going on that it's simply impossible to get to each task. I've also noticed that writing down my to-dos has forced me to delegate far more often. I'm able to eliminate tasks from my day-to-day and, in turn, hire elite people. Then, when I look back after six months, my goals from the past seem like peanuts.

Justin Abrams
Justin AbramsFounder & CEO, Aryo Consulting Group

Set Small Daily Goals

I try to set small daily goals. In the fast-paced world of running a legal firm, it's easy to get caught up in the immediate demands of our clients. However, maintaining a long-term perspective is crucial for sustained success. Every morning, I dedicate a short period to outlining my primary objectives for the day. This simple act helps me prioritize tasks, eliminate distractions, and stay aligned with our firm's overall vision. At the end of the day, I reflect on my accomplishments and identify areas for improvement. This routine has helped improve my productivity and also provides a clear road map for achieving our company goals. I try to stay mindful and focus on what truly matters. In doing so, I've been able to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and build a firm that is dedicated to providing exceptional legal services to our clients.

Ross Albers
Ross AlbersFounder & CEO, Albers & Associates

Practice Daily Journaling

One specific habit that has greatly influenced my focus and effectiveness is my daily practice of journaling. Each evening, I take time to reflect on the day’s achievements and challenges, documenting key lessons and insights. This not only serves as a decompression tool but also as a strategic instrument for personal and professional growth. Writing down the day’s events helps me to see where we are in relation to our goals at RecurPost, and it crystallizes the steps we need to take to continue moving forward.

This habit of journaling has also become a crucial feedback mechanism for me. By reviewing past entries, I can track progress over time and identify patterns that might not be evident in the daily hustle. It encourages a mindset of continuous improvement and helps maintain a clear focus on long-term objectives amidst the immediate demands of running a fast-paced tech company. This personal reflection ensures that every day ends with purpose and perspective, directly impacting how effectively I lead and grow the business.

Dinesh Agarwal
Dinesh AgarwalFounder, CEO, RecurPost

Start With Prioritized To-Do List

A habit that’s been crucial for me is starting each day with a clear, prioritized to-do list. I learned early on that without a plan, my days would drift, and important tasks would get lost in the shuffle. I often use this habit to keep my focus sharp, much like a compass guiding me through a dense forest. For instance, when I was juggling the launch of a new book while managing multiple client projects, breaking down tasks and setting daily goals made all the difference. It’s like having a mini-celebration each time I check off a completed task—small wins add up to big achievements. This approach helps me maintain momentum and ensures I stay aligned with my long-term objectives.

Mike Fallat
Mike FallatOwner, DreamStarters Publishing

Implement Time-Blocking Method

I've been running a business for 15 years, and managing my time, avoiding procrastination, and staying focused has been one of the hardest things to learn. It has only been in the last year that I've discovered the annoyingly simple method of time-blocking, and this has revolutionized the way I've worked and improved my efficiency massively.

Time-blocking is the simple process of blocking out periods of the day and assigning specific (or thematic) tasks to that block. I created a spreadsheet, with each day of the week broken down into 30-minute slots. Over the first few weeks, I continually reorganized and re-prioritized tasks until I reached a stage where I found the structure was most efficient and effective. I then transferred the schedule to my calendar system with the relevant alert notifications set up to keep me on track. Now, my focus is tightly controlled by this timetable. I know I have to finish those tasks within that block; otherwise, I won't be able to return to them until another day.

It's worth mentioning that time-blocking requires discipline and for you to unlearn certain conditions. One of the biggest changes in my productivity and focus lies in how I deal with emails. I've always been a champion of Inbox Zero, but since time-blocking, I've realized that this was merely a method of procrastination and somewhere to turn to if I felt my focus waning. Clearing my inbox felt like completing an important task, but it just inevitably led to replies in return in an endless, unhelpful cycle.

With time-blocking, I have allowed myself three 30-minute periods a day dedicated to email: one in the morning, the afternoon, and shortly before the end of the day. Working in this way has been freeing and has forced me to focus on the truly important emails and comms during those periods. Keeping the inbox at arm's length has seen huge growth in all the other areas of my business, including client retention, project quality, and new leads, which I'm sure you can appreciate are crucial to business sustainability and longevity.

Ryan Stone
Ryan StoneFounder & Creative Director, Lambda Films London

Avoid Multitasking for Better Focus

I make a conscious effort to avoid multitasking, dedicating my attention to one task at a time. This method has significantly improved the quality of my work and boosted my overall efficiency.

By focusing on a single task, I can dive deeper into the details and deliver better results. This approach not only helps in achieving my goals more effectively but also reduces stress and enhances my ability to manage time efficiently.

Marco Genaro Palma
Marco Genaro PalmaCo-Founder, TechNews180

Take Regular Breaks for Well-Being

As a CEO, I find it especially easy to fall into the trap of non-stop work. There's always a call, meeting, or email, but taking regular breaks has been essential for my well-being. I try to go for a walk every morning to clear my mind and take an actual lunch break every day. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance has helped me avoid burnout and become a better, more present leader.

Daniel Kroytor
Daniel KroytorFounder and Director, Tailored Pay

Practice Daily Mindfulness Meditation

One habit I've developed to stay focused on my goals is practicing daily mindfulness meditation. This routine helps clear my mind, reduce stress, and maintain a sharp focus on both short-term tasks and long-term objectives. By setting aside time each morning to meditate, I center myself and gain clarity on my priorities for the day. This practice has been instrumental in sustaining my commitment to providing compassionate and individualized care at Ascendant Detox, ensuring I remain aligned with my core mission and goals.

Tzvi Heber
Tzvi HeberCEO & Counselor, Ascendant New York

Use Visual Goal-Setting Techniques

One effective habit I've developed for staying focused on goals is visual goal-setting. I start by clearly visualizing my objectives, then either print these or write them down in bold letters where I can see them daily. For instance, I placed a map of Sardinia on my office wall, pinpointed my target location, and labeled it 'goals.' This visual method was pivotal in planning unique travel experiences for my agency and my aspiration to live in Sardinia, a vision that took four years to realize.

Key Benefits of Visual Goal-Setting:

Clarity and Commitment: Physically noting goals deepens your commitment.

Daily Motivation: Constant visibility of your goals keeps your focus sharp.

Incremental Achievement: Smaller milestones allow for regular celebrations of progress, boosting morale.

I balance both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals provide quick wins and morale boosts, while long-term goals maintain my focus and drive innovation. My journey to Sardinia began with a vision marked on a map, progressed through strategic meetings with tourism boards, and culminated in creating engaging travel experiences. Each goal I achieved propelled me toward the next.

Effective goal-setting also involves:

Flexibility: Adjust your goals without losing sight of the overall objective.

Regular Review: Periodically reassess your goals to ensure they align with your long-term vision.

Celebration of Milestones: Recognize each success to motivate progress towards subsequent objectives.

Visual goal-setting, paired with strategic planning, powerfully transforms visions into realities. This method has guided me through various entrepreneurial ventures, showing that with the right strategy, achieving your goals becomes a structured and rewarding journey.

Tammy Levent
Tammy LeventPresident, Elite Travel Management Group, Inc.

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