
How Do You Approach Risk-Taking in Business?

How Do You Approach Risk-Taking in Business?

Navigating the seas of entrepreneurship is much like sailing through uncharted waters; it requires nerve, a willingness to face unforeseen storms, and a steadfast resolve. For any true entrepreneurial 'navigator,' key decisions can make or break the voyage. This article features insights from leaders like the Head of Marketing and the VP of Market Operations. Kicking off the discussion with the game-changing strategy to develop a paid guide and concluding with a groundbreaking move to offer eco-friendly orthotics, we traverse various perspectives on risk-taking. With thirty-one expert insights, this collection is a treasure map for aspiring business leaders.

  • Develop a Paid Guide
  • Grow City by City
  • Use New Technology Quickly
  • Hire a Project Manager Early
  • Balance High-Risk and Low-Risk Projects
  • Expand Ideal Customer Profile
  • Test Small, Scale Fast
  • Leave Job for Freelancing
  • Sign Long-Term Fuel Deal
  • Set Guardrails for Losses
  • Expand to Eco-Friendly Products
  • Invest in Legal Technology
  • Offer Customizable Cabinets
  • Invest in Service Quality
  • Focus on Child Advocacy
  • Expand Online Presence
  • Invest in Hair-Transplant Technology
  • Shift to Residential Services
  • Invest in High-Quality Vendors
  • Launch Telehealth Physiotherapy Clinic
  • Represent Marginalized Workers
  • Start Own Law Firm
  • Make Recruitment Asynchronous
  • Test Small Ideas
  • Invest in Emerging Suburb
  • Take on Ground-Breaking Case
  • Analyze Doctor Reviews
  • Embrace Experimental Framework
  • Expand to Energy-Efficiency Services
  • Invest in Centralized Studio
  • Offer Eco-Friendly Orthotics

Develop a Paid Guide

In my line of business, one always has to take risks, but pretty much everything is calculated. One perfect example of a well-calculated risk taken involves the time I was working and noticing a sudden surge in inquiries from an emerging niche.

So what I did, other than taking up each inquiry on a one-on-one basis, which was getting tedious and nonproductive, I developed a paid guide that answered the frequent questions individuals were asking. It wasn't about the money actually; the benefit of it is it helps me identify serious clients.

The small fee filtered out a bunch of not-so-committed people, freeing up more than 14 hours a week that I was spending on calls and enabling me to focus on better-quality leads.

Of course, this wasn't a no-risk approach. I knew I would probably turn some potential clients away who didn't want to pay for the guide. However, the benefits far outweighed the downsides. The calls I did have were with informed clients who were ready to move forward, and it positioned me as an authority in the niche.

This experience taught me that smart, calculated risks lead to smoother operations, enhancing efficiency, and improving the quality of the clients who called me. So, no more back-and-forth scheduled calls. The client is ready to move with the project, and I turned prospects into leads with a paid guide.

Nicholas Robb
Nicholas RobbHead Honcho, Design Hero

Grow City by City

Our growth strategy involves taking frequent, low-impact risks. Rather than growing into new markets in a sprint, we take things city by city. This has a few advantages for us. First of all, we're never risking our entire business on a single growth push. If we fail to launch in one market, we can pull back and survive on our existing business. Second, it lets us learn as we grow, improving our ability to estimate costs, risks, and potential returns. Third, it lets our staff develop institutional knowledge to make each growth-push smoother than the last.

Nick Valentino
Nick ValentinoVP of Market Operations, Bellhop

Use New Technology Quickly

We once took a calculated risk to increase my company's speed-to-market. We were developing a new SaaS product and knew we needed to launch it quickly to be successful; otherwise, other startups might be able to capture most of our potential customers faster.

And so, we decided to take a chance and use a new technology we were unfamiliar with to develop the SaaS product. As a result of this decision, we were able to launch the product much faster than we would have otherwise, and we could beat our competition to the punch. Despite being a risky decision, this decision ultimately proved successful and allowed us to achieve what we wanted.

David Rubie-Todd
David Rubie-ToddCo-Founder & Marketing Director, Glide

Hire a Project Manager Early

Risk-taking is a natural part of entrepreneurship. One calculated risk we took was hiring a project manager before we had a clear need for one. It added costs, but the role helped us break through operational bottlenecks. With better organization and communication, we handled more projects and improved efficiency.

The investment seemed uncertain initially, but it streamlined our workflow and freed up more time to focus on growth strategies. Adding that role earlier than planned enabled us to scale faster and serve clients better.

Juan Carlos Munoz
Juan Carlos MunozCo-Founder, CC Creative Design

Balance High-Risk and Low-Risk Projects

Our approach to risk is fundamentally about maintaining balance. We ensure that for every high-risk project, there are several other projects with guaranteed outcomes to sustain the business's baseline growth. This way, we can afford the occasional failure, which is a valuable learning experience that drives our long-term innovation strategy.

A significant risk involved shifting our pricing model from a basic tiered structure to a more dynamic, usage-based model. This risk was driven by the belief that customers should only pay for the value they receive, which aligned perfectly with our brand’s values. The change was well received, leading to higher customer satisfaction and an increase in long-term subscriptions.

Alari Aho
Alari AhoCEO and Founder, Toggl Inc

Expand Ideal Customer Profile

Risk-taking is all about balancing innovation with careful strategy. We follow the Lean Startup methodology, which helps us experiment, learn quickly, and make decisions that are both data-driven and aligned with our long-term vision. One calculated risk that paid off significantly was expanding our Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). Initially, we targeted a very niche segment of IP professionals to fine-tune our product. Once we found success in this segment, we faced the decision of whether to scale or stay niche.

Expanding our ICP meant addressing the needs of a broader market while maintaining the high quality that defined our initial offering—a move that carried inherent risks. We used a Learn-Measure-Build approach to cautiously test new segments, gathering feedback and ensuring our product remained robust and adaptable. This method allowed us to expand successfully into new markets without compromising our core values or product quality.

The result? A larger market reach, increased customer base, and stronger product capabilities fueled by diverse feedback. Taking this calculated risk not only helped us grow but also enhanced our innovation as we adapted to new customer needs.

Kinga Fodor
Kinga FodorHead of Marketing,

Test Small, Scale Fast

For risks that are deemed essential but carry significant uncertainty, we use a phased approach: testing small, scaling fast upon success, and always ready to pivot or halt based on real-time feedback and results. This method allows us to manage risks dynamically, adapting our strategies based on continuous learning from each phase of implementation.

A notable instance where this approach benefited us was when we decided to expand our services to include Amazon marketing before it became a mainstream strategy among SEO agencies. Starting small with select clients, we quickly realized the potential due to the positive ROI delivered. Rapidly scaling our Amazon-marketing services thereafter not only grew our client base but also diversified our revenue streams effectively.

Marc Bishop
Marc BishopDirector, Wytlabs

Leave Job for Freelancing

Risk-taking is essential for growth. If I had been stuck in overanalysis, I’d probably still be in my parents’ basement, wondering about my next move when I first started freelancing. Looking back, it all makes sense now; but in the moment, it’s about taking action and being willing to fail. One calculated risk I took was leaving the security of a traditional job to go all-in on freelancing. It seemed uncertain at the time, but distributing the risks across various clients and projects paid off, leading to building a global digital-marketing agency with clients in over 100 countries.

Mike Zima
Mike ZimaChief Marketing Officer, Zima Media

Sign Long-Term Fuel Deal

There will always be risks in business, but the key is to know which ones are worth taking. A few years ago, when fuel prices were very unstable, Fuel Logic had to make an important choice. We had the chance to sign a long-term, fixed-rate deal for fuel. Because the market was changing quickly, locking in a price seemed risky, and there was no promise that the rate would stay good.

I talked to our team and researched market predictions as I considered the pros and cons. We took the risk because we believed that, in the long run, security would be good for both our clients and our business.

That choice was one of the best ones we could have made. The petrol price increased significantly over the next two years, but that set rate protected us. We kept prices from rising for our customers and made ourselves look like a trusted partner in a shaky market. It taught me that sometimes you have to trust your facts, your team, and your gut, even when there is a lot of doubt.

Eliot Vancil
Eliot VancilCEO, Fuel Logic

Set Guardrails for Losses

I limit business risk with 15% loss guardrails.

In my business, I approach risk-taking with a clear strategy: setting guardrails. It's like a safety net, limiting potential losses to no more than 15%. This isn't just a random figure; it's a calculated number that balances the potential reward with the capacity to absorb a loss without causing catastrophic damage to my business.

For instance, I once invested in a new content-analytics tool. The expense was a risk, as it represented a significant portion of my budget. However, I had calculated that even if the tool didn't deliver the expected boost in efficiency and results, my campaign could withstand up to a 15% decline. Thankfully, the tool exceeded expectations, enhancing our content strategy and driving more traffic to our site.

By setting such guardrails, I ensure that the business stays resilient while still allowing for calculated risks that can lead to growth. This allows me to push the boundaries without fear of total failure. It's all about balance.

Tim Hanson
Tim HansonCo-Founder & CCO, PenFriend

Expand to Eco-Friendly Products

In my business, risk-taking is an essential ingredient for growth. I evaluate potential risks carefully, ensuring they're aligned with our mission and goals. A prime example is when I decided to expand our product line to include eco-friendly artificial flowers. This move required significant investment in new materials and adjusting our supply-chain operations. Although it was a leap into uncharted territory, it paid off by attracting environmentally-conscious customers and setting us apart from competitors. This calculated risk not only increased our customer base but also strengthened our brand as a leader in sustainable wedding decor.

Ketie Zhang
Ketie ZhangFounder, Ketie Story

Invest in Legal Technology

Our firm decided to invest in advanced legal technology and case-management software. Initially, there was a considerable upfront cost and a learning curve for my team. Many in the industry were hesitant to embrace such technology, fearing it would disrupt established workflows. However, I recognized that implementing these tools could significantly enhance our efficiency, streamline communication, and ultimately improve the quality of service we provide to our clients.

After thorough research and analysis, I decided to move forward with the investment. The result was transformative: we were able to manage cases more effectively, track important deadlines, and improve our collaboration with clients. This technology also allowed us to offer clients a more transparent view of their cases, fostering trust and satisfaction.

The positive impact was clear and our improved efficiency led to better case outcomes and higher client retention rates. Additionally, as word spread about our tech-savvy approach, we began attracting new clients who valued our commitment to innovation in legal representation. This experience reinforced my belief in the importance of taking calculated risks, as they can lead to significant advancements in both client service and business growth.

Scott Monroe
Scott MonroeFounder and Criminal Defense Attorney, Monroe Law, P.A.

Offer Customizable Cabinets

I view risk-taking as a vital component of our growth strategy. I approach it by balancing data analysis with intuition gained from years in the industry. Our decision to expand our product line to include customizable cabinets was a calculated risk that paid off. We recognized an emerging trend where consumers sought more personalized kitchen solutions.

This move required significant investment in inventory and production processes, which was a leap of faith. However, leveraging customer feedback and conducting market research made us confident in the potential demand. The result was a remarkable increase in sales, as customers appreciated the ability to tailor their cabinets to fit their unique styles and needs.

Josh Qian
Josh QianCOO and Co-Founder, Best Online Cabinets

Invest in Service Quality

When my husband and I decided to start our HVAC business, we were at a crossroads. Tired of working for others and facing the challenges of having two small children, especially after I lost my job, we knew we needed a steady income. Despite experimenting with house-flipping and rental properties, we realized we needed a more stable and sustainable venture. Given our extensive experience in the HVAC industry and background in accounting and business administration, starting our own company felt like a natural next step.

Our risk came when we decided to invest our savings into launching the business with minimal marketing efforts. Instead, we focused on delivering exceptional service and building relationships within our community. This decision paid off remarkably. One day, two individuals from Grand Rapids walked through our door seeking heating contractors, and from there, word of mouth began to spread about our quality service.

Our reputation quickly grew, and we found ourselves gaining popularity without the need for a hefty marketing budget. The positive feedback from our customers acted as our best advertisement. This experience taught me the importance of investing in service quality and customer satisfaction rather than solely relying on traditional marketing strategies.

This secured our family's financial future and laid the foundation for a thriving business that we are incredibly proud of today. It reinforced my belief that while risks are an inherent part of entrepreneurship, informed decisions backed by experience and a commitment to excellence can yield tremendous rewards.

Lisa Purvins
Lisa PurvinsOwner, Pro-Tech Heating & Cooling

Focus on Child Advocacy

When I founded my firm in 2004, I was a mother of four, juggling the demands of family life while transitioning from teaching high school to pursuing my law degree. Taking the leap to start my own practice was undoubtedly a risk, as it required me to invest time and resources while ensuring that I could provide for my family.

One specific example of a calculated risk that paid off was my decision to focus primarily on cases involving children and their welfare. With my background serving as legal counsel for the Florida Guardian ad Litem Program, I had gained invaluable experience representing children's interests in court. This niche area of family law not only aligned with my passion for advocating for children but also filled a critical need in the community.

By specializing in this area, I was able to build a reputation as a dedicated advocate for children's rights, which attracted clients who sought a compassionate and knowledgeable attorney for their family law matters. This focus on child advocacy distinguished my firm in a competitive market but also allowed me to create a meaningful impact on families during challenging times. The positive outcomes I achieved for my clients reinforced my commitment to this path and established my firm as a trusted resource in family law.

Joy Owenby
Joy OwenbyFounder and Family Law Attorney, Owenby Law, P.A.

Expand Online Presence

In my work, I have learned to approach risk with a thoughtful blend of caution and courage. Before making major decisions, I diligently study potential risks by analyzing market trends, customer demands, and long-term implications. One particular instance where taking a calculated risk paid off was when we decided to expand our online presence. Initially, I hesitated to invest heavily in e-commerce due to the intense competition in the plant-nursery industry.

However, after observing a shift in consumer behavior towards online shopping, I made the bold move to invest in a robust digital platform. This strategic conclusion led to a substantial increase in our sales and helped us broaden our customer base, enabling TN Nursery to connect with plant enthusiasts nationwide. Embracing this calculated risk ultimately proved pivotal in ensuring our business’s success in a rapidly evolving market.

Tammy Sons
Tammy SonsFounder/CEO, TN Nursery

Invest in Hair-Transplant Technology

I take risks by weighing new ideas carefully. I always consider the potential benefits and how they’ll impact the business in the long run.

One example of a calculated risk that worked out was when we invested in advanced hair-transplant technology before it became popular. It was a big financial commitment then, and we weren’t sure if the demand would justify the cost. But I saw the potential to improve our clients’ results and keep us ahead in the industry.

Thankfully, it paid off by attracting more clients, boosting satisfaction, and positioning Wimpole Clinic as a leader. Taking that risk improved our offerings and strengthened our reputation for innovation.

Dr. Michael May
Dr. Michael MayMedical Director, Wimpole Clinic

Shift to Residential Services

I have always been grounded in careful consideration and strategic planning within my electrical company. Having started my journey with the company in 2001, right out of trade school, I have been able to work my way up from the ground level to lead the business. This perspective has profoundly shaped my understanding of risk.

Initially, our focus was on commercial electrical work. While this offered some stability, it felt unrewarding due to the unpredictable nature of the projects. We were constantly on call, bouncing between various job sites, which didn't allow for a sense of completion or community engagement. I recognized that if we wanted to create a more fulfilling and sustainable business model, we needed to pivot towards residential services. This was a calculated risk because it required not only a shift in our operational focus but also an investment in training and resources to adapt to a new market.

Moving into residential services allowed us to build lasting relationships within the community and provide a level of service that felt genuinely rewarding. Being able to see a project through from start to finish has been immensely satisfying. I remember a project where we upgraded the electrical system in a local family's home. Witnessing their joy when the lights turned on for the first time after our work was completed was a powerful reminder of why I love this field.

This risk really transformed our company culture and empowered our team to take ownership of their work, knowing that their efforts directly impacted the lives of our clients.

Tim Hodnicki
Tim HodnickiPresident, Electrical Experts

Invest in High-Quality Vendors

Risk-taking is a core part of my entrepreneurial journey, and I try to balance caution with a bit of boldness. One memorable moment was when I had to re-evaluate my vendors. I’d dealt with some disappointing-quality that put a strain on my client relationships. It became clear that winning back trust is much tougher than attracting new clients. So, I took a leap and decided to invest in high-quality vendors who had solid reputations.

It felt like a gamble at the time, but it really paid off. The boost in quality not only strengthened my existing client relationships but also opened up new opportunities. It taught me that surrounding myself with the right people can truly change the game.

Echo Wang
Echo WangCEO & Co-Founder, EpicBooks

Launch Telehealth Physiotherapy Clinic

My approach to risk-taking in business is based on a careful calculation of the potential rewards weighed against the possible downsides, with a strong emphasis on long-term outcomes.

When I decided to open my own physiotherapy clinic, I knew I wanted something unique that aligned with my passion for flexible work and a cutting-edge, contemporary care model. I took a significant risk by committing all my time and money to launching a telehealth physiotherapy clinic—a niche that, while emerging, was still relatively untested. This risk was easier to justify because it was tied to the initial stages of my business, meaning I had little to lose at that point. However, I knew that if I positioned myself as an early leader in this growing space, the long-term benefits would be substantial.

After a year of research, trial-and-error, and hard work, I’m happy to say that the risk has paid off. The clinic is now well-established in the telehealth field, which has grown steadily. Now, with an established client base and a solid income stream, my approach to risk has changed accordingly. I’m more cautious about taking on big risks because the stakes are higher. The consequences of a failed risk now could compromise what I’ve built, so I diligently assess whether the potential reward justifies the possible downside before making decisions.

Piotr Lewandowski
Piotr LewandowskiPhysiotherapist & Exercise Scientist, Sports Physio Online

Represent Marginalized Workers

In my role as an employment lawyer and founder of Hones Law, I approach risk-taking with a strategic mindset, balancing potential benefits against possible repercussions. One calculated risk that paid off was the decision to expand our firm's focus on representing marginalized workers, particularly in cases of discrimination. While this move required a significant investment in marketing and community outreach, it aligned with our mission and tapped into an underserved market.

The outcome exceeded our expectations: not only did we attract a diverse clientele, but we also positioned our firm as a leader in advocating for workers' rights. This risk fostered deeper community connections and enhanced our reputation, ultimately leading to increased referrals and a stronger, more resilient business model. By approaching risk with thorough research and a clear vision, we were able to create a lasting impact while also driving our firm's growth.

Ed Hones
Ed HonesAttorney At Law, Hones Law Employment Lawyers PLLC

Start Own Law Firm

A big risk was when I transitioned from my role as a prosecutor at the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office to starting my own law firm. This decision came after a period of introspection and coaching, where I recognized that I wanted to create an environment that not only provided legal services but also inspired my team to excel and make a difference in our community.

Leaving a stable job was daunting, but I saw an opportunity to build something greater. With guidance from my business coach, I set clear goals for my firm that included not only financial success but also a commitment to social responsibility and client advocacy. By establishing a vision that inspired others, I was able to attract talented attorneys who shared my passion for the law and dedication to serving clients.

Our firm quickly gained a reputation for excellence in criminal defense, DUI cases, and more, allowing us to expand our practice areas and client base. Our focus on teamwork and collaboration has created a thriving culture that empowers every member of our firm to contribute to our mission.

In hindsight, that leap of faith was a pivotal moment in my career. It taught me that while risks are inherent in any business venture, having a clear vision and supportive network can turn those risks into rewarding opportunities. The success of our firm today is a testament to the power of calculated risk-taking, and it reinforces my belief that the best outcomes often come from stepping outside of our comfort zones.

Ross Albers
Ross AlbersFounder & CEO, Albers & Associates

Make Recruitment Asynchronous

What I did was take a chance on making our recruitment process fully asynchronous. We figured it might be a gamble because candidates might feel disconnected without set interview times. But we believed that giving them the freedom to respond when they’re ready could make a big difference, especially in the remote world.

Turns out, we were right. Candidates appreciated the flexibility, and we noticed a boost in engagement and the quality of applicants. It also helped us easily bring in talent from different time zones without any scheduling issues.

This risk paid off because it showed we trusted the candidates’ time and fit perfectly with the remote-first approach. It brought us a stronger, more diverse talent pool while still keeping the quality high for our clients.

Lucas Botzen
Lucas BotzenTalent Acquisition Specialist & CEO, Rivermate

Test Small Ideas

In our business, we look at risk-taking as we strive to innovate and embrace it as a form of informed experimentation. Instead of waiting for everything to be perfect, we test our small ideas on a smaller scale, accepting that they might fail. This enables us to take much higher risks, but also opens us to much higher rewards, which keeps us competitive in this market.

One example was when we launched a new feature that diverged from our core offerings. It was a quickly iterated beta product that hadn’t gone through the full testing cycle. It was risky because we were making it available to our customers, something that we knew would not be on par with the rest of our product from a user-experience point of view, but it was worth it to gather real-time customer feedback that would inform us if it was worth developing further and, if so, how to best fine-tune it.

This agile approach allowed us to introduce something new to the market quickly, garner excitement and, based on that, refine the product quickly. It became one of our most successful revenue streams.

Joshua Webb
Joshua WebbHead of Growth, Kinnovis

Invest in Emerging Suburb

When it comes to taking risks in my business, I really focus on finding the right balance. I’m not one to shy away from risk altogether, but I make sure it’s a well-thought-out decision. This involves conducting thorough research, understanding the possible downsides, and having a solid strategy to manage any potential issues. For instance, a few years ago, I made the choice to invest in an up-and-coming suburb that was a bit under-the-radar at that time. It felt like a risk because there were concerns about local infrastructure and competition, but I believed in its growth potential.

I spent considerable time analyzing market trends, chatting with local business owners, and gauging the community vibe. In the end, that investment turned out to be incredibly rewarding, as the suburb developed and property values shot up. It reinforced my conviction that with the right groundwork, taking risks can lead to remarkable successes.

Austin Rulfs
Austin RulfsFounder, SME Business Investor, Property & Finance Specialist, Zanda Wealth

Take on Ground-Breaking Case

Working in the legal field, my approach is to take calculated risks grounded in the best interests of my clients and the values of the firm. It's a necessary part of growth, but it has to be balanced with thorough research, strategic planning, and a clear understanding of the potential outcomes.

We decided to take on a ground-breaking case involving a complex Title IX lawsuit against a major university. This case presented significant legal challenges, as it involved untested legal theories related to institutional liability and policies of indifference toward sexual misconduct.

Many might have considered it too risky, given the power and resources of the defendant, but after deep legal analysis and consultations with experts, we believed in the merits of the case and the importance of the issue at hand.

We were able to secure a favorable outcome for our client and set a new precedent in Title IX litigation. This case expanded the legal possibilities for survivors of campus sexual abuse nationwide, allowing others to hold institutions accountable. It also strengthened our firm's reputation as a leader in fighting for justice in these cases, proving that taking well-reasoned risks can lead to significant impact and growth, both for our clients and our firm.

Alex Zalkin
Alex ZalkinPartner, The Zalkin Law Firm P.C.

Analyze Doctor Reviews

In ScoreDoc, our approach to risk-taking involves leveraging data and technology to provide value to both patients and doctors. One of the calculated risks we recently undertook was introducing a new initiative that offers an overview of a doctor's reputation by analyzing reviews across multiple platforms. This initiative helps patients and doctors understand what real patients are saying about key aspects, such as the doctor's behavior, front-desk service, wait times, and other relevant entities.

The decision to launch this service was a calculated risk because it required investment in data aggregation and analysis, while entering a space where trust and accuracy are crucial. However, after analyzing the demand for more transparent and comprehensive feedback, we saw this as an opportunity to differentiate ScoreDoc from competitors by providing actionable insights.

The risk paid off, as patients now have access to a clearer picture of their healthcare options, while doctors can gain valuable feedback to improve their practice. This initiative has not only enhanced user trust but also positioned ScoreDoc as a leader in offering reputation insights.

The key takeaway is that risks are necessary for innovation and growth, but they should be grounded in research and aligned with user needs. For us, it's about staying focused on creating tools that improve the patient-doctor experience.

Vipul Kumar
Vipul KumarBusiness Manager, ScoreDoc

Embrace Experimental Framework

At our agency, we approach risk with a mix of daring and deliberation. It’s not about jumping off a cliff; it’s about making sure the parachute is packed and the winds are favorable.

A standout example is a few years ago when we made the bold move to embrace a newly emerging framework that many considered too experimental. It was risky, as clients were hesitant and resources were tight. But we believed in its potential to revolutionize user experiences. We invested in training, developed a few pilot projects, and pushed the envelope. The gamble paid off spectacularly. Not only did we set ourselves apart from competitors, but we also garnered accolades for our innovation and secured major contracts with industry leaders eager to leverage the latest tech.

In the end, calculated risks like these are what keep our agency vibrant and forward-thinking, proving that with the right mix of research, instinct, and a touch of audacity, even the wildest gambles can turn into winning bets.

Harmanjit Singh
Harmanjit SinghFounder & CEO, Website Design Brampton

Expand to Energy-Efficiency Services

My approach to risk-taking is rooted in the values my father instilled in me when he started this family-owned HVAC business. After years of working for corporate companies, I realized I wanted to contribute to something more meaningful and personal. One calculated risk I took was expanding our service offerings to include energy-efficiency consultations and smart-home installations. It was uncertain how our existing customer base would react to these new services, but I believed that offering comprehensive solutions would ultimately help our clients save money and improve their quality of life.

As a result, we were able to attract a broader client base and also enhance our relationships with existing customers. This decision allowed us to make a more significant impact in our community by helping families reduce their energy costs and environmental footprint, aligning perfectly with our mission of putting a smile on people's faces.

Ryan Camp
Ryan CampOwner & President, Harrington Air Conditioning

Invest in Centralized Studio

At Growth Spurt, we approach risk-taking with a mindset that balances innovation with careful planning. We believe that, in order to grow and stay ahead in the competitive world of video production—especially in the video space—you have to be willing to take calculated risks. For us, it’s about making informed decisions, experimenting with new ideas, and being prepared to pivot if things don’t go as planned.

One example of a calculated risk that really paid off was when we decided to expand our video services by investing in a centralized studio in New Jersey. Initially, the idea of having a dedicated space for video creation, where multiple actors could work with a single product, seemed like a big leap. It required significant upfront investment, and the logistics of coordinating everything from one location were a challenge. However, we saw the potential benefits: reducing costs for clients by minimizing the need for multiple product shipments and ensuring consistent quality across all videos.

The risk was that this model might not resonate with our clients or that the centralized approach wouldn’t be as efficient as we hoped. But the outcome exceeded our expectations. Not only did it streamline our production process, but it also became a unique selling point that attracted more clients, particularly those with premium products who appreciated the cost savings and the high-quality, consistent output. The success of this decision has reinforced our belief that calculated risks, when aligned with a clear vision and thorough planning, can lead to significant growth and differentiation in the market.

This approach to risk-taking allows us to innovate while maintaining a solid foundation, ensuring that we’re always moving forward without jeopardizing the stability of our business.

Taylor Walker
Taylor WalkerCo-Founder & CEO, Growth Spurt

Offer Eco-Friendly Orthotics

I believe that calculated risk-taking is essential for growth and innovation. My approach involves thorough research, gathering insights from my team, and analyzing market trends before making decisions. It's about striking a balance between caution and the willingness to step outside our comfort zone.

A prime example of a calculated risk we took was our decision to expand our product line to include eco-friendly orthotic options. At first, it was a leap into relatively uncharted territory for our brand. We invested in sourcing sustainable materials and adjusting our marketing strategy to target environmentally conscious consumers.

The risk was well-calculated, backed by data indicating a growing demand for sustainable products in our industry. The result? Not only did we see an increase in sales, but we also strengthened our brand loyalty among customers who value sustainability. This experience reaffirmed my belief that taking thoughtful risks can lead to transformative outcomes for our business.

Matt Behnke
Matt BehnkeChief Executive Officer, Orthotic Shop

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